Tim Kennedy

Tim Kennedy

Timothy (Tim) Kennedy is the founder of Freedom Fur. It all started after he rescued 5 cosmetic testing mice after stumbling upon a petition when sourcing ingredients for his natural product company; Natural Nation. Little did he know, within only a couple months his one bedroom would turn into a rehabilitation room. After 1 year, Tim has rehabilitated, rescued + released over 250 animals. Tim manages the rescue both in front and behind the scenes. Tim continues to drive his vision and spread love to as many fur friends as possible.

Jadyn Lanteigne

Jadyn Lanteigne

Jadyn (Jay) Lanteigne has been supporting the rescue since day one. After almost 2 years of supporting the rescue behind the scenes; she has stepped into the role of Social Media Manager. In 2021, Jay completed her diploma at Algonquin College for Social Media Marketing and refined her skills in community
building + engagement. Jay has been a catalyst in creating on online presence for Freedom Fur and enjoys building a larger network while
supporting the rescue internally.